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VFX & Animations

Some of my works in graphics related field. Just for recording my personal history.

Movie Recommendation App

An app that will recommend movie according to your Location, search history and face recognition of posters.

Color Cube [VR]

A early prototype team wonderland designed to demonstrate the idea of binary search in 3 dimensional domain.

Flying Flags [VR]

This is a prototype which tests using metaphor of connecting banners to represent linked list.

Solar System[VR]

Prototype Solar System is a Virtual Reality experience in Oculus Rift that aims to act as a visualization of classes and object instances.

Multi-agent Adaptive AI

A system with 2 agent with centralize control and will move together with the player to corner evadors.

iPad Puzzle Game: Smash

Smash is a game for FUN and ENGAGEMENT. It is designed for 7-11 year old boys with social-emotional challenges. It is a single-player iPad game which promote...


A rythm game made within 48 hours in the Global Game Jam of 2016.